Rick Brighton Gaited Horsemanship
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  Our Sponsors

Our sponsors bring: Quality, Knowledge, Dependability, and Safety

We use, trust, and rely on them. So can you!

Purina | Myler Bits | Cheval Armour


Purina horse feeds has been our nutrition product of choice for years. We are extremely satisified with the quality, consistency, and the amount of research that goes behind their products. Educating about equine nutrition and recommending Purina products to horse owners has become a passion of ours. The horses are healthier, grow longer manes and tails, have beautiful coats and hooves, and better body condition. Nature's Essentials Enrich 32 supplement is a favorite with the horses at our barn. They get all the protein, vitamins and minerals they need on just one pound a day. It is easy to feed and economical too! It has helped a variety of horses and doesn't create excess energy like grain can.
Give it a try. It's a difference you can see!

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Myler Bits

Myler Bits has a full selection of bits to fit every horse and rider no matter what level of training or knowledge they have. They are a quality piece of equipment. I only use Myler Bits in my training program and find that I always have the right tool to do the best job. I can select any mouthpiece, shank, or combination bit to suit each horse and their rider. The horses respond with more willingness, and less resistance which results in them progressing at a quicker more comfortable rate. Through my clinics, evaluations, and lessons, horse owners see positive results when I match them up with an appropriate bit for their horse.

Visit www.bonypony.com to order a Myler bit.
Type in "RickB" for the PROMO code and receive free shipping!

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Myler Bits

Rick Brighton - Cheval Armour Jacket
If you are looking for timeless, fashionable clothing that performs well while with your horse or in the city, Cheval Armour has got you covered.

We have found their jackets to be nicely taylored and fitted, while also holding up to the demands of working around and caring for horses. Hay, horse, and dog hair won't stick to them, they are resistant to water, durable, and are made of environmentally responsible materials. We love our jackets and so will you!

Visit www.chevalarmour.com to order your timeless jacket, vest or shirt. Type in "BRIGHTON" for the PROMO code and receive a 10% discount off your 1st purchase!


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